Brookfield Chapter 2 – The core Assumptions of Skilful Teaching

In chapter 2 the book goes into the topic of why it’s important to help students learn, having teachers understand the way they teach, always reflecting on yourself as the teacher so you are improving, and making sure that the students feel like they are treated as adults.

Assumption #1

Skilful teaching is whatever helps students learn, I really thought it was interesting was the section that talked about “opening a class that consisted of alumni penal made up of two or three or students who were in the course previous years” (Brookfield, 2015, p. 18) which helped open up students were resistant of learning since the panel consisted of other students were resistant to learning. This help being trustworthiness and assurance that the program they will be learning from is going to be a useful program.

Assumption #2

Skilful teachers adopt a critically reflective stance toward their practice, when it talks about how “as the years pass by that the teaching can become stale” (Brookfield, 2015, p. 21). I can definitely see that happening. I remember when I was teaching at BCIT for 2 years I remember that I made my curriculum pretty much almost perfect by that point. However, near the end I did feel like things were becoming repetitive. This is one thing that did concern me because I do like to constantly learn new things. I get bored easily and I need to make sure that my job is challenging enough at times so I feel like I am learning and growing. That is why when I am now a coder, I feel like I am being constantly challenged and am growing in my career. However, that is why I don’t mind teaching when I am closer to retirement because then I can teach students everything I have learned and I feel I wouldn’t mind a calmer life/career near the end of my working years.

Assumption #3

Teachers need a constant awareness of how students are experiencing their learning and perceiving teachers’ actions, when it talks about “ensuring anonymity of student’s responses” (Brookfield, 2015, p. 23),I find was really important because I agree that most students don’t want to give honest feedback if they feel their might be repercussions if they say the wrong thing. It is important that students have an area they can give honest feedback to improve the class. When I was teaching, I remember I get students to do surveys as well because it helped me a lot knowing where everyone is at and what could be changed for next time.

Assumption #4

College students of any age should be treated as adults. I agreed with the point that talked about “students want to believe that their teachers know what they’re doing” (Brookfield, 2015, p. 24).This means making sure that the course curriculum and outline is clearly defined. Even though for example I was a new teacher when teaching at BCIT, I have always been a good planner so planning each of the days for the course was something I really enjoyed. It was also something I was good at and students really appreciated.


Brookfield, S. D. (2015). The Skillful Teacher, On Technique, True and Responsiveness in the Classroom. Retrieved August 5, 2024