In addition to the PIDP, or after you have completed the PIDP what are some learning activities you might take part in? Consider ongoing learning in your subject matter as well as your development as an instructor.Are there specific conferences you’d like to attend? Books you’d like to read? Professional organisations you could join or volunteer with? Instructional techniques you’d like to work on?

After completing the PIDP program, I plan to pursue various learning activities to enhance both my subject matter expertise and my skills as an instructor. Here are some steps I’m considering for my ongoing professional development:

  • Attend Conferences and Workshops: I aim to attend conferences and workshops that align with my interests and career goals. I attended these coding meetups, HR meetups, and cybersecurity meetups in Vancouver. These events offer valuable networking opportunities, insights into the latest trends, and exposure to new techniques and tools. As a coding professional, I will look for tech conferences and developer meetups that can help me stay updated and inspired.

  • Read Relevant Books and Journals: To deepen my knowledge and stay informed about the latest advancements in my field, I will make it a habit to read books, journals, and articles. This ongoing learning will not only enrich my understanding but also inspire new ideas and approaches in my work.

  • Join Professional Organisations: I plan to become a member of professional organisations related to my field. These groups offer resources, networking opportunities, and professional development programs. Volunteering with these organisations will also help me enhance my leadership skills and share my expertise with others.

  • Explore Instructional Techniques: I am committed to continuously refining and expanding my teaching methods. I will experiment with new instructional strategies, technologies, and tools to keep my teaching dynamic and effective. This might include integrating multimedia resources, interactive elements, or collaborative projects into my teaching practice.

Here’s how I specifically plan to build on the foundation laid by the PIDP program:

  • Advance in My Coding Career: My immediate goal is to progress to a senior developer role. As a senior developer, I will have the opportunity to mentor and train junior developers, sharing the skills and knowledge I’ve acquired. This aligns with my long-term ambition of becoming a manager, where I can leverage my leadership skills and experience to support and guide my team.

  • Create Educational Content: I am currently creating YouTube videos to teach coding techniques to a global audience. These short, 5 to 10-minute videos are designed to help beginners understand coding concepts from scratch. This project allows me to reinforce my own learning while contributing to the broader coding community.

  • Aspire to Academia: Looking further into the future, I aspire to become a professor as I approach retirement. I see this role as an opportunity to impart the extensive knowledge and experience I’ve gathered throughout my career, helping to shape and inspire the next generation of developers.

By engaging in these activities, I hope to continue growing both as a professional and as an educator, ensuring that I stay current with industry developments and remain an effective and inspiring teacher.